Friday 10 November 2017

Binary lesson 3 - letters

In this lesson you will discover how binary is used to represent all the letters and symbols on the keyboard, as well as numbers.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Be able to describe how computers only understand binary.
  • Be able to explain how binary is used to represent letters as well as numbers.
  • Be able to apply this understanding to decode and code messages from binary and into binary.
  • Link ideas of binary code to any other codes you know that only have 2 symbols.
Your tasks
1.  On a new post titled the same as this, describe how computers only understand binary.
2.  Explain how binary is used to represent letters as well as numbers and give 3 examples.

Use this slideshow if you need reminding for this task....

3.  Go to the 'Binary messages to decode' Google doc below and, using the ASCII codes link below, work out what the messages say.

4.  Write the number of each message and what it says on your post.

5.  Now write 3 messages in binary for another person to decode (not rude!).

6.  Write both the message in binary and the message in letters on your post.

7.  Describe on your post any examples of other messaging codes that are binary, ie only use 2 symbols.

8.  Are there other codes that computers use?  Try to find out info on hexadecimal code, what it is and how computers use it.

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