Wednesday 10 January 2018

Python - Lesson 1

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Be able to explain what Python is and why it is important (band 4)
  • Be able to apply your understanding to create short programs using Python (band 5)
  • Be able to link your work today to work from previous units, eg Scratch (band 6)

Python is a programming language.  Unlike Scratch that you have used to program where the programming is done by placing 'blocks' in the correct sequence (order), Python is text-based programming ie the sort of programming that goes on behind the 'blocks'.  It is a general purpose programming language created in the late 1980s.  It is used by thousands of people to do things from testing microchips at Intel, to powering Instagram, to building video games with the PyGame library.

The written instructions will only work if they are in the correct order, correctly spelt, correctly lined up on the page and have the correct punctuation symbols.  All of this is called 'syntax' and makes it just like any language where it will only make sense if the words are in the correct order in the sentence for that language, and punctuation and spelling are correct.

Open a new blog post and title it the same as this one.

On the post, explain what the words 'sequence' and 'syntax' mean.

If you are using a Chromebook, you will need to go to this link.....     and search for Python 3.

If you are on desktop PCs, there should be a link to this in the Comp Sci folder in 'Start' menu.

Now you need to go to my worksheet with screenshots and tasks for this lesson.....

Link to Python Worksheet - Lesson 1

Follow the instructions and tasks on the worksheet.

Bronze - Task 1

Silver - Tasks 1 & 2

Gold - Tasks 1, 2 and 3

To achieve Band 6, you will also need to link this work to work you did in Scratch.  Describe, in detail, similarities and differences between the two.

Once you have completed all the tasks you can in the lesson time, share your Google doc (Advanced - change from Private to Anyone with the Link - copy/paste the link to your post).

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