Friday 27 April 2018

Networks - Lesson 2

In this lesson, you will learn about WANs and how they differ from LANs.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • be able to explain what a WAN is (band 4)
  • be able to apply this understanding to creating a slideshow explaining how they work (band 5)
  • be able to link this knowledge to real life by giving specific examples of how a WAN works (band 6)
Here is the link to my slideshow about WANs........

Bronze - create a slideshow with images that explains what a LAN and a WAN is and the differences.

Silver - create a slideshow with images that explains what a LAN  and a WAN is and the differences, plus an explanation of how data is transmitted.

Gold - As for silver but include animations and link the band 6 work, giving specific real-life examples of how a WAN works.

Friday 20 April 2018

HTML Tags Revision

Here are the tags we used in the HTML unit and you need to remember!

To start and end the program   <html> </html>

To create a labelled ‘internet’ tab at the top of the page
<title>    </title>

To make a main heading on the page  <h1> </h1>

To make a sub-heading on the page <h2>   </h2>

To make a new paragraph   <p> </p>

To make a line break  <br> There is no closing tag for this one

To change the font style   <font face =”name of font”> </font>

To change the size of font  <font size = “size of font”>  </font>

To change the colour of font < font color=”colour name or hexadecimal code”>   </font>

To align the font on the page (ie left, centre or right)  <font align = “position”>   </font>     Remember to spell it ‘center’  - American style!

To add an image <img src=”image address”>    </img src>

To add a hyperlink to aother page <a href = “name of page”>    </a>

To embolden the font <b>   </b>

To turn the font italic <i>   </i>

To underline the font <u>   </u>

Thursday 5 April 2018

Networks - Lesson 1

This lesson you will be learning about how computers can be networked together and the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Be able to describe what a computer network is (band 3)
  • Be able to explain how computers can be linked together (band 4)
  • Be able to apply your knowledge stating the advantages and disadvantages of networking computers (band 5)
Here is a link to my slideshow which provides information, the tasks for the lesson and states the evidence I need to see for this lesson.