Wednesday 23 May 2018

Networks Lesson 5 - Computer Laws

In this lesson you will learn what the 3 laws are that affect computer use.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • be able to explain what the 3 computing laws are (band 4)
  • be able to apply this knowledge to create a poster (band 5)
  • be able to link this knowledge with the work you do in school and what you should do to ensure you stay within the law (band 6)
You are to create a poster for secondary school students about these three Laws.  You will be using Google slides.

All information and tasks for this work is explained further in this slideshow....

Friday 11 May 2018

Networks Lesson 4 - The Internet

In this lesson, you are going to learn how the internet started, how it works and exactly how data is transmitted.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • be able to explain what the internet is, how it started and how it works (band 4)
  • be able to apply this knowledge by creating a slideshow that explains this in detail (band 5)
  • be able to link this knowledge to the need for internet protocols (band 6)
Here is a link to my slideshow with information you will need, plus the tasks for the lesson....

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Networks - Lesson 3 Network Topologies

In this lesson, you'll learn about network topologies.  You'll have to read through the slideshow to find out what these are!

Objectives and Outcomes

  • be able to explain what a network topology is (band 4)
  • be able to apply this knowledge by describing the 3 main topologies (band 5)
  • be able to link this knowledge to advantages and disadvantages of each topology and make recommendations according to an organisation's needs (band 6)

Here is a link to my slideshow on network topologies, including the tasks for this lesson!

Slideshow about network topologies